learning targets & proficiency key

student will be able to design with
LT1 creativity & intention

1.1 I can use different brainstorm techniques to come up with a variety of solutions
1.2 I can design work that shows originality and unique decisions
       1.2a   ideas not copied from the internet
       1.2b   design work that does not mimic class samples
1.3 I can provide evidence of my creative process (mockup, moodboard, thumbnails, etc)
1.4 I can conceive a design that visually communicates a direct message
1.5 I can plan and gather non-digital and/or digital elements needed for my designs

student will be able to make a design using
LT2 software & computer skills

2.1 I can apply specific software tools that are identified, demonstrated and required for each project
2.2 I can apply specific software techniques that are identified, demonstrated and required for each project
2.3 I can turn in work as identified in the turn in process
2.4 I can follow protocol to select photos and adjust resolution to fit the needs of my design work
2.5 I can follow protocol to save and organize my digital files for a productive work flow
2.6 I can load and apply new fonts to my designs
2.7 I can follow protocol to find, load, show, move and use multiple palettes, windows and toolbars
within the software

student will be able to make a design using
LT3 applied design principles & elements

3.1 I can design works that meet the needs of a specific audience or style
3.2 I can use compositional tools to structure my designs
3.2a I can use principles such as color, space, balance and unity to make a cohesive work
3.2b I can use principles such as color, space, balance and unity to show hierarchy within my work
3.3 I can design a work that is dynamic, engaging and functional

student will be able to fine tune designs through
LT4 editing & elevating

4.1 I can modify my work using daily class tips, class resource links and online tutorials/videos
4.2 I can verbally justify my design decisions
4.3 I can verbally partake in critiques offering relevant opinions and suggestions
4.4 I can write a thorough artist statement using prompts provided in class
4.5 I can take written or verbal feedback and make relevant changes to my work
4.6 I can use multiple software and compositional tools and techniques to further develop my designs
4.7 I can present my work in a polished and finished manner
4.8 I can meet soft and hard deadlines
4.9 I can use professional work habits such as multiple layouts, digital experiments and multiple digital
tool use to explore complex variations of my work




proficiency key

4 Highly Proficient: Rather than completing only what was required the student went beyond demos, tips and class samples. They used the learning targets as a foundation to solve the assignment in an original way. Advance skill was shown in their idea generation, reflection of process/progress, selection of the most appropriate idea for the given assignment and continued manipulation to formulate the best possible outcome.

3. Proficient: The student completed exactly what was required for the assignment fulfilling the assignment as a set of tasks to be completed with a moderate amount of originality and creative thinking. 

2. Developing Proficiency: Some evidence that the student can execute the required learning targets is present but overall skill is rudimentary or only partially displayed.

1. Lacking Proficiency: Little to no evidence of skill is present.