class guidelines


• Gain familiarity with the fundamental components
of design (tools, rules and the creative process)

• Create solutions to a series of design problems

 • Become skilled using graphic software (which will allow you to bring your ideas to fruition)

• Develop the ability to appreciate and interpret pictures or other visual images (learning the power of visual voice)


work hard
complete all work to the best of your abilities
get all work completed and presented on times, spend class time wisely

be teachable
engage in classroom discussions, activities and critiques don’t be afraid of making mistakes

be respectful
... to others, yourself and the equipment
pay attention

have fun!
this is your elective - choose topics that interest and engage you or suggest ideas of how you could take your own path while still covering project learning targets

falling behind?

life happens. make a plan!
talk to Mary as soon as possible if you need help making a recovery plan.

show up! you have the best possible chance of learning something in class even if you feel lost or missed previous info

ask Mary about being paired with a peer tutor during AT and possibly during class

be resourceful. what info can you find using class resources and independent google searches that will help you complete the projects or learn the software skills.



See Learning Targets and Proficiency Key  

Grades are viewable on student vue and parent vue. If you have questions about your project grade, talk to Mary within 4 days of the assessment being posted (schedule a time and have access to your digital files).

your responsibilities

• check the website and check in with peers when you are absent
• ask questions if you don’t understand
• keep your digital files organized
• keep track of your grade online
• save and archive your work correctly, see below
• use parameter checklists and tips folder
•ask to meet with a peer tutor during AT
• email Ms. Mary with questions, concerns and other info that will help her help you

saving & archiving

Save your work using the instructions taped to your monitor base. Save SEVERAL times a class. Please note: Any work lost due to crashing or improper saving will be expected to be redone.

Keep digital copies of your work on the student server or google drive. You need copies of all your projects for portfolios at the end of the semester.

late work & redo policy

Students may turn in late work up to 4 AT periods after the due date if more lab time is needed.

Redo projects require you turning in: entirely new project (theme/direction)
2. resubmitting your old project
3. a 10+ sentence statement that describes what you learned or tried differently the second time around

Students may redo up to 2 assignments for re-grading during the semester (inform Mary if you plan to redo and get a deadline/timeline from her well before grades are do - no last minute shoddy projects accepted). Pre-activities can not be submitted late or redone if you were absent. (There will be no pre-activity penalty if your absence is excused however you should check with peers to learn the new information or come into AT and connect with a peer tutor). Brainstorming can not be turned in after the digital project has been graded. Keep all paper brainstorming sheets in your class folder/class bin.  At times you may be asked to take a picture and turn these in digitally.

fees & materials

Lab computers are equipped with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop (plus other CC software). If extra lab time is needed you can come in during Apollo time, before or after school. All projects are designed to be completed in class.

ALL GD classes have a fee of $25

cash & check payments can be made at the business office
before school after school or during both lunches. Bring Mary your receipt. 

paying online

Parents must have an active parent view account to log on. If they don't, they can call the main office to set one up.  Once they have a parent view account it will take 24 hours before they can access the online payment system.  

Print receipt to bring to Mary OR save the receipt to a phone and show Mary

law & order

  • no food or drinks by the computers - place them on the round table

  • bathrooms are located in the main building - do not leave during instruction time (there is one pass so keep track of it and hustle back so other students can go)

  • phones should be silenced and put away at the beginning of class and during instruction time. During work time, phones can be used to listen to music

  • if you are 20 minutes late to class you will be marked absent

  • no irrelevant websurfing or e-mailing. Internet use is limited to our class website, image searches and research

  • tampering, unplugging or destructing any computer hardware will result in immediate loss of use