A5 Image Trace 2 doodles & coffee cups

Project Overview: use an original drawing, the image trace function, live paint & typography to create a unique coffee, tea, cocoa or cider cup
Due Date:  Nov 20&21
Grading Parameters:  LT 1 & 3 (see our template folder for a checklist)


Screen Shot 2017-11-29 at 2.56.06 PM.png

Live Paint Resources

Review live trace instructions from Assignment 4 if needed. You will start by converting your drawing to an image trace, then work with it using live paint.

working with live paint

video on live paint


  1. Follow Along the in-class pre-activity/demo

  2. Brainstorm at least 3 ideas

  3. Pick 1 and consider all the imagery you will need to draw

  4. Draw in a doodle like style on a blank sheet of paper several items that you want to incorporate on your cup

  5. Sharpie over your drawing if you started in pencil (a wacom tablet could also be used for this project)

  6. Check your drawings. Do they have any openings you need to close up with your sharpie?

  7. Photograph your drawings using your phone or the class camera (or scanner)

  8. Send & download your drawing from your email to your computer (put drawings in a links folder)

  9. Place in Illustrator and use image trace to convert your photo from raster to vector (don't forget the expand button)

  10. Compose your drawings on the cup template (layer, size variation, rotation) & Add Text (download a new font?)

  11. Convert your image trace drawing into a "live Paint" selection (Object- Live Paint- Make)

  12. Live Paint your drawings (see resources above if needed)

  13. Make refinements & edits to fine tune your design. Try and alternate as well.

  14. Turn In your Lastname A5 folder into the Graphic Design 1 A5 turn in folder located on the "classes" server
    Inside your A4 folder should be:
    -final illustrator file (with 2 artboards)

  15. Option to print and add your design to a real cup
