Class Folder
Project: handmade design applied to a class folder
Due Date: check white board Extended Due Date: TBD
Grading Parameters: LT 3 Applied Design Principles & Elements / I can use principles such as color, space, balance and unity to make a cohesive work
Giving random elements some structure & unity
Often times designers are given visual elements that they have to work with that may be part of a clients wish list or brand. On this project your two required elements are magazine cut outs and tape! How can you get these 2 very different things to work as a visual team?
Some design decisions to consider:
placement on folder
use of color (limiting your colors is one way to keep it cohesive)
layering or grouping of elements
use of a focal point
visual balance
use of negative space
see the folder tips.pdf in the classes space for tips on cutting, taping and weaving
Getting Started
Cut various magazine images that could potentially be used (Cut more than you need for back up) If you are not great at cutting things close to the edge, consider a unique cut
Play (add, remove, rotate, etc) with the elements before you glue anything down, consider folder color and how it works with your image and tape color
Plan your composition (arrangement of elements) consider all the places it could be put besides just the middle. Use good craftsmanship (care) putting it together.
Glue your pieces down possibly in sections. Be careful not to glue things down that might need tape or other magazine elements layered underneath. Make sure there are no edges that could peel up. (The glue and tape part of the project could be a mess - if it does not work out, grab a new folder and try a new idea with your back up magazine pieces)
Turn In to your class bin