A2 Monogram / Curious Learner

Curious Learner Projects are projects that are not graded. They are done solely for fun because you want to apply your skills to other types of designs. They can be used as a way to bolster a portfolio, gain practice, enter contests, be personal projects, cure boredom or be used as gifts for friends and family.


Look at all these ideas of fun things you could design with your new monogram-making skills!

monogram for your favorite city (could end up being a cool t-shirt design)

monogram for your favorite city (could end up being a cool t-shirt design)

return address stamp

return address stamp

monograms for packaging

monograms for packaging

family crest

family crest

more monograms for family and friends (using fonts or addition of silhouettes that match their personality or interests

more monograms for family and friends (using fonts or addition of silhouettes that match their personality or interests

business cards or personal monogram logo to put on your resume or other self promotion materials

business cards or personal monogram logo to put on your resume or other self promotion materials

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wedding, birthday or event monograms

wedding, birthday or event monograms

Monograms used as clipping masks

Monograms used as clipping masks